Saturday, January 29, 2011

Sweet Duffy 2011

Yes, this update's been a looong time coming, and yes, these photos are generally imperfect.  I was super rushed on articulating and stuffing Shellie May, what with the first MiceChat Duffy Post and all going on...  Her smile didn't turn out right and she seems both over- and under-stuffed at the same time?!?!  I also couldn't take time posing and shooting as much as I wanted, cos I didn't have much time.  After buying everyone's stuff I only had a couple hours til I had to leave for work.  On top of that, I kept getting mobbed with Dufflove!  People were actually lining up to take photos.  At one point, I guess there were as many as thirty!!!:  I was flattered, for sure, but also really shy...  Still, it was exciting!^^

The first series features the "Paddington" duffel coats and sweets from the Japan Disney Store:

Dauffin Téadoro Buxpy IV
Ashellia Maia Cora von Lichtschiff
Sweets for two...
...And two for fun!!^^
Cape Cod is Duffy's...
...And Shellie's...

Sweet Rescue - "Bear"nin' Love!!!

Here're some with just the Cafe costumes, still with those awesome sweets:

And here're some photos of decor and atmosphere:


  1. Love the pictures! Shellie May doesn't look over or understuffed from the photos at least.

    The Cape Cod sign is back!

    Those sweets from the Disney Store...what are they, trinket boxes or something like that?

    I love the coats over the cafe costumes, they fit well. I'll have to do that with my bears.

  2. Great photos. Thank you so much for sharing. I love seeing all the Duffy decor. Those sweets are adorable.

  3. The sweets are little cups that come with real individually wrapped chocolates inside. Cute! And useful!^^

  4. Love your photos! Funny question but how do you get your Duffy and ShellieMay to stand up? Mine only want to sit down :)
